The American people appreciate Ireland's work... to help secure passage of Resolution 1441. ...We appreciate our own support for ensuring that the just demands of the world are enforced.
-- There's nothing quite like appreciating yourself, White House, Mar. 13, 2003
All of us need to step back and try to figure out how to make the U.N. work better as we head into the 21st century. Perhaps one way will be, if we use military force, in the post-Saddam Iraq the U.N. will definitely need to have a role. And that way it can begin to get its legs, legs of responsibility back.
-- Two things: (1) We already have headed into the 21st century, (2) What the heck are 'legs of responsibility'? Lajes, Azores, Mar. 16, 2003
I was the guy that said they [the U.N.] ought to vote. And one country voted -- at least showed their cards, I believe. It's an old Texas expression, show your cards, when you're playing poker. France showed their cards.
-- Dubya again claiming Texan sovereignty over a common expression, Lajes, Azores, Mar. 16, 2003
How do you measure the benefit of freedom in Iraq? I guess, if you're an Iraqi citizen you can measure it by being able to express your mind and vote. How do you measure the consequence of taking a dictator out of -- out of power who has tried to invade Kuwait?
-- Excuse me Dubya, but your dad went to war when Iraq succeeded in invading Kuwait, prime time press conference, White House, Mar. 6, 2003
-- There's nothing quite like appreciating yourself, White House, Mar. 13, 2003
All of us need to step back and try to figure out how to make the U.N. work better as we head into the 21st century. Perhaps one way will be, if we use military force, in the post-Saddam Iraq the U.N. will definitely need to have a role. And that way it can begin to get its legs, legs of responsibility back.
-- Two things: (1) We already have headed into the 21st century, (2) What the heck are 'legs of responsibility'? Lajes, Azores, Mar. 16, 2003
I was the guy that said they [the U.N.] ought to vote. And one country voted -- at least showed their cards, I believe. It's an old Texas expression, show your cards, when you're playing poker. France showed their cards.
-- Dubya again claiming Texan sovereignty over a common expression, Lajes, Azores, Mar. 16, 2003
How do you measure the benefit of freedom in Iraq? I guess, if you're an Iraqi citizen you can measure it by being able to express your mind and vote. How do you measure the consequence of taking a dictator out of -- out of power who has tried to invade Kuwait?
-- Excuse me Dubya, but your dad went to war when Iraq succeeded in invading Kuwait, prime time press conference, White House, Mar. 6, 2003